From where do you derive your citizenship?

That's what I say

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Hey!, hey!, hey!

That's what I say!

All slavery is economic.

The four characteristics of a Citizen of one of the several States in the Union:
1. every Man a lawyer: that is, All have a sound working Knowledge of Law, legal Research and Process;
2. every Man an economist: that is, All have a sound working Knowledge of economic Phenomena, so as not to be blind to the cause of their economic ruin, which includes the adverse effects of Inflation and other government Interference;
3. every Man a rifleman: that is, All keep, and have a sound working Knowledge of the usage of, Arms;
4. every Man of Justice: that is, All harbor a vehement Desire to use all to effect Justice, which is synonymous with the Protection of Life, Liberty and Property.
Are you an American Citizen?

Why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience? 1 Cor 10:29

You may effect Peace through either honorable Justice, or servile Acquiescence.
Citizens choose the former, Subjects choose the latter, all else are the Antagonist who proclaims, "The End justifies the Means." Which of these three are Ye?

Liberty is of truth, and the truth is in the details, so, pay attention.

Justice for All requires the obtaining of Justice by every Man, which requires that every Man be competent in Law and in the Process of law.

"Mmmm, MMMMM. Oh sooo tasty! Uh, oh..." Got Justice?

You fear that which you do not understand; therefore, study to show thyself approved.

Three keys to a sound Economy and happy People:
1. Honest money: that is, no fiat currency tender laws, the cause of inflation;
2. Natural supply and demand: that is, no monopolies, licenses or other government interference;
3. Everyman a lawyer: that is, all have a sound working knowledge of law, legal research and process.

Your fate is your choice: that statement is not oxymoronic.

Warning: after comprehending the contents of this site, you may eschew the status quotient and throw off your shackels of idolatry.

"I'd rather look a fool amongst friends and well wishers, than in a court of law full of unscrupulous attorneys."

The end never justifies the means; injustice is wrong, regardless of the facade.

Did you know that some Men, at this very day, justify any form of slavery by assumed or material laws (idolatry), or the plunder?

Reason is rational; but not all things rational are reasonable.

What is common sense if not common? If not generally known, then where is the common in the sense? Work and study is required to acquire sense that is not common, or what I call "the result of the application of Reason." Please try not to confuse common sense with uncommon sense.

When I am done, you will solemnly be Proud to be an American.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Herring v United States: Due Process Denied

Just when you thought you were safe, the majority of Justices of the supreme Court of the United States vote that you were too safe: that is, you do not have the benefit of law when due process is violated. You should read that as, "there is no due process."

And that is not the half of it: in reading a little of the opinion (here found at SCOTUS Wiki), you will find that the arresting officer, Anderson, was not given authority to arrest Herring; instead acting on word of mouth (read, "I have a certified copy of neither the arrest warrant issued by a magistrate within this jurisdiction, nor a search warrant issued under oath of a third-party") and putting his neck on the line. Anderson, taking the law into his own hands, is personally liable and is subject to a trial for malfeasance.

The Judges think that Anderson "acted in good faith reliance on a warrant." How can that be the case when he never had a valid warrant under which he could act in good faith? The opinion references the 1984 case United States v Leon, 468 U.S. 897, writing evidence obtained on a warrant issued without probable cause is admissible. Even the magistrates issuing the warrant do not perform their job in investigating the substance of complaint or information, only issuing warrants based on adjudicable probable cause.

Would you like to be subject to an unlawful arrest, search and seizure, and then have no recourse to lawful behavior because some Judge says that lawful doesn't apply to your kind? If you let the majority of Justices of the supreme Court answer for you, then you're excited, raptured even, by the thought. Well, I'm not.

If you, citizen, do not draw the line at Justice, then, as you can read, the politicians and judges will draw it all over your face :-) Need I write that if you respect not yourself, including your rights, then others will find it difficult to respect you: and what kind of example is that, leaders of political freedom, to extend to our brothers in communist Lands?

Also, as people tend to get hung up on the Bill of Rights presented in the constitution for the United States. All you need to remember is that, unless the contrary appears in that instrument, then it is your right. Deny searches without valid warrants issued by a maginstrate of proper jurisdiction on the oath or affirmation of a third-party, and do not acquiesce and prejudice yourself when not under arrest. Umm... yeah, and oh yeah! More at The Bill of Suggestions: Why the Supreme Court endorsed unreasonable searches and seizures

One could infer from this opinion that the supreme Court of the United States does not function to unequivocally protect your rights, but to meet arbitrary quotas.

This opinion is a very good example of why you should always eschew cud: especially after you become a judge!

And hope that you meet their quotas...

Some more references:
See Barefoot's 2002, Worden, C.F., The Police Contact: Silence Is Golden, the Constitutional Society's Your Right of Defense Against Unlawful Arrest and the following complementary talks:


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